I really like your articles which are both very concrete, anchored in reality, and very reflective. You manage to juggle two seemingly opposite skills: to keep a lucid distance, while absorbing and popularizing major innovations that follow one another at breakneck speed.

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Thanks for your feedback, Pascal!! That's exactly the effect I want!

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Here is something I want to know more about: what is happening with AI in customer service and

technical support? For example, right now the pages presenting products are highly summarized. If you want to know more you have to get in touch with the vendors and perhaps even the manufacturers, one at a time, over periods of time. And you have to deal with morons who give you boilerplate that has nothing at all to do with your interest. It would be great if, when you wanted to know about properties that are not in the summary, you could just type a question about those properties into Google, which would then do a deep dive into all the information available about all the products that relate to your issue. Right now that is impossible -- the false positives would kill us. But sooner or later the technology will get there. When it does you will be able to narrow your interests from the outputs interactively. You will be able to have a useful conversation with the search engine. Will that be great or what?

This is an obvious application. But it has been an obvious application for years. But so far nothing. What is going on??

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Hi Fred, that's a great question. I think a broader version of that is: when will companies like Google, Meta, Amazon, etc. ship their LLMs to production? When will they integrate the latest AI tech into existing services like virtual assistants, search engines, and other applications? I explored some of the reasons why it hasn't happened yet in a recent article: https://thealgorithmicbridge.substack.com/p/from-siri-to-photoshop-to-google

LLMs and similar AIs still show important deficiencies and limitations that prevent these companies to take the next step. Also, and not less important, research takes time and resources. It's been *only* 5 years since Google published the paper on the original transformer architecture. I'd say no one wants to see this happening more than Google. We'll have to wait (can't guess how much) but it sure will come eventually. And we'll have to wait significantly more before those technologies spread across enterprises--most companies haven't yet integrated earlier AI tech (2012-2015) into their processes.

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I don't see how the problems you mention in that essay have anything to do with the specific problem I am concerned about, which is being able to ask a vendor's web site questions whose answers lie (for instance) in the product manual, as opposed to a handful of specially composed marketing pages. Why is that feature, whose utility is obvious to everyone, taking so long? Obviously it is a hard problem, whatever it is. Why should we have any confidence that that problem will be solved in a few years? It might take decades. Do we have any reason to believe anything one way or the other??

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AI art is a cool topic! I'm excited to see what new sorts of expression/movements may emerge from it, as opposed to emulation of past movements/genre/expressions.

On other topics- I'm most curious to understand how this technology could be / is being applied to change the way other forms of work are being done, e.g. WithPoly.com creating an alternative to design asset databases.

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Thanks for your suggestion Max. Yes, I want to research more on that. I'm mainly waiting for the most remarkable use cases to settle (e.g., websites like Poly)--although I've realized it's advancing so fast that it's extremely difficult to keep up with all the new applications.

I'll take into account your recommendation. Thanks!

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