Many of you aren’t writers. But all of you are readers. As such, this matters to you.
I'm sure you're not here for me to spam article after article in a quantity-over-quality fashion. I’m sure you don’t see me as a “content creator” but as someone who shares interesting and/or useful ideas. And I’m sure you wouldn’t want me to outsource my writing to ChatGPT or anything like that.
This article is not a reminder that you should care. Nor is it a call to action to pressure companies to get it right (although I think we should, as we are able). And neither is it a judgment—that's for you to make—on whether AI models like ChatGPT will be a net good or a net bad for society.
It’s just the expression of my current feelings toward the tsunami of language models. Just my responsibility as both someone who writes and someone who reads.