I started The Algorithmic Bridge (TAB) with one purpose: To help you learn about and make sense of the impending future that AI is shaping all around us. To achieve that goal I’ve written about many topics that, although often seem disconnected, are tightly entwined.
I’ve written about the disruptive trend of AI art (text-guided visual art, as Ryan Murdock calls it) and how it will urge critical conversations about what is art and what it means to be an artist.
I’ve written about open-source practices as a positive force to achieve democratic AI, how it’s the key to fighting the stronghold big tech companies have over these technologies—and how we ought to find balance between openness and safety.
I’ve written about social media algorithms and their unparalleled capacity to influence our behaviors online, and define our digital lives—particularly those of our youngest.
I’ve written about large models’ mastery o…